Source: markus pernthaler architekten zt gmbh

Source: markus pernthaler architekten zt gmbh

Sustainable energy production at district level

West of the main rail station in Graz the first Smart City district is taking shape; here new energy technologies for intelligent cities self-sufficient in energy are to be demonstrated. The flagship project Smart City Graz is concerned with testing novelties such as new solar modules, solar cooling systems, solar power generation in urban contexts, integrated façade technologies, mini-CHP facilities and smart heat grids, and with implementing demonstration buildings.

The centrepiece of the project is the Science Tower, a research facility 60 m tall; its façade is clad with an advanced type of PV cells. It is planned to complete the building by the end of 2016. In the Science Tower pioneering enterprises and research organizations will work in the field of urban technologies and push ahead with applying these technologies.

This flagship project also includes setting up a power centre and a local power grid to make the district self-sufficient in power; housing complexes and trading centres with pioneering building technologies are to be realized, and sustainable transport strategies (including electric-powered vehicles) tested. These developments will be supervised by a district management team, to ensure that the new structures are integrated in the existing urban space and are accepted by the residents.

Kai-Uwe Hoffer, Stadtbaudirektion und Stadtentwicklung Graz

Video Smart City Graz (in german)<br


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Video Smart City Graz (Video: Climate and Energy Fund)