For many years, the Austrian company Fronius International GmbH has researched and developed forward-looking solutions for the energy transition. In addition to having many years of experience as an internationally leading manufacturer of inverters for photovoltaic systems, the company is currently focusing intensively on seasonal energy storage systems and sector coupling. Fronius has been involved in hydrogen technologies for roughly two decades and has become an innovation leader in the handling of solar hydrogen. Green hydrogen enables the long-term storage of renewable energy while also representing a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels in the mobility sector.
The Fronius Solhub is an innovative system solution for local production, use and storage of green hydrogen. Using solar energy from a photovoltaic power plant, local green hydrogen is produced for refuelling vehicles and is stored on site. With the help of the PEM fuel cell, the hydrogen can be reconverted into electricity, if needed. This allows for seasonal storage of excess PV electricity produced in the summer for use in winter or to supply additional energy on days with low insolation levels. The waste heat generated in the electrolysis and fuel cell process can be captured with heat exchangers and used effectively (for heating process water or low-temperature heating). This increases the overall efficiency of the system.

The components for converting excess solar electricity into hydrogen via electrolysis as well as the stationary fuel cells (offered in a variety of output ranges) are developed in-house by the high-tech Austrian company Fronius. The system represents a sustainable energy and mobility solution for small-scale manufacturing and municipalities. The Fronius Solhub can be customised to specific applications and is both scalable and modularly expandable.
Within the framework of the WIVA P&G – Hydrogen Initiative Energy Model Region Austria Power & Gas, Fronius International GmbH is working with Miba Sinter Holding GmbH & Co KG, HyCentA Research GmbH, Heraeus GmbH and the Energy Institute at the JKU Linz on the further development and optimisation of PEM electrolysis and fuel cell technology. The results will be integrated into the Fronius Solhub for practical application.