Austria’s contributions to the IEA’s energy technology network are funded within the framework of the technology programme “IEA Research Collaboration”.
Further details about Austrian participation in the Implementing Agreements, Tasks and Annexes are to be found at:
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Department for Energy and Environmental Technologies
Head of Department: DI Michael Paula
Contact: Mag. Sabine Mitter
Literature and information on the IEA
Energy Technology Perspectives 2015
Published annually by the International Energy Agency, this brochure regularly gives policymakers an overview of current trends in the energy sector around the world. The analyses and scenarios offer perspectives on how a secure, climate-friendly, competitive energy supply system can look in future. The 2015 issue “Mobilising Innovation to Accelerate Climate Action” presents the technologically possible ways to achieve climate-related goals; it is a contribution to the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris in December 2015.
Further information on the International Energy Agency: