Foto: Klima- und Energiefonds/Ringhofer

Foto: Klima- und Energiefonds/Ringhofer

Automated planning of active distribution grid operation

KNG-Kärnten Netz GmbH‘s ProAktivNetz project researches how to integrate renewable energy sources (photovoltaics, wind and hydropower) under all circumstances (e.g. maintainance work or occasional disruptions) which might occur during real network operation.

The power feed-in of renewable local generators is directly dependent on local weather conditions (amount of wind, sunshine and water). The distribution network operator must be able to anticipate how much power these generators will supply, and switch the grid at the appropriate time, so as to deliver power to customers within a guaranteed voltage band at all times and keep the distribution grid within its limits.

The aim of the ProAktivNetz project is to ensure security of supply and a maximum of renewable energy integration in any operating situation, by means of automated solutions. The project is being implemented in cooperation with AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, the Vienna University of Technology and the industry partners Siemens and Ubimet. In the course of the project an algorithm for optimized active operation of distribution networks will be developed and tested, taking into account the current and forecasted behaviour of local electricity generation (mainly from renewable sources).

For the first time the cross-links and interactions between individual influencing factors are analysed in detail and solutions worked out to make automated planning possible for a defined time frame (48 hours). Timetables and generation anticipated from local generators, plans for disconnections due to maintenance work and disruptions occuring in the distribution grid are used for the calculations.

ProAktivNetz will lay the groundwork for operating future active distribution networks with an optimized schedule which reconfigures the network by switching, in line with the demand and generation situation anticipated. Building on the project‘s findings, it will be possible to develop appropriate industrial products for use in distribution networks.