Photo: tdrechsler/

Photo: tdrechsler/

Smart Services
for tomorrow`s energy system

More and more people are investing in renewables and energy efficiency, and will become active participants in the energy system. The digital transformation of the systems provides the basis for new business models and smart services. In tomorrow‘s energy system data from various sources will be available on a large scale; this will open up new market opportunities for ICT-related services that go far beyond indicating and invoicing electricity consumption transparently. As part of the strategy finding process Smart Grids 2.0, the technical and organizational prerequisites for smart energy services are being discussed, and impulses for developing pioneering services and business models placed.

The Vienna start-up Grid Singularity – GSy GmbH is currently collaborating with worldwide leading IT-specialists ( on developing a decentral web-based platform for energy data management and exchange, using blockchain technology. With this pioneering technology key data can be recorded in real time and protected against subsequent changing; it should become a valuable tool for all participants in the energy market (providers, network operators, investors, traders and consumers). The platform has the great advantage of being interoperable, which results in significant savings in infrastructure costs.  >>[/infobox]


Ewald Hesse, CEO Grid Singularity - GSy GmbH, Foto: privat
Ewald Hesse, CEO Grid Singularity – GSy GmbH, Photo: private

„Our main goals are to simplify the energy market to the complexity level of downloading an app on a smartphone and reduce the enormous entry fee cost into the energy market. The decentralised and interoperable character of the platform is further enhanced by the auditable fact that every user keeps exclusive access and control over his data. Think of Google without Google in the middle.“
Ewald Hesse, CEO Grid Singularity – GSy GmbH