Bioenergy – Technology of Tomorrow
Pioneering R&D Findings from Austria
National and international energy policy goals require a restructuring of the present energy supply setup with regard to technical, economic, legal and social aspects. The aim is ..... Read full article

Technologies of the Future for a Sustainable Supply of Energy
Using solid biomass, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy and heat pumps has allowed Austria to reduce CO2 emissions in 2011 by more than 10.5 million tonnes. According to ..... Read full article

Research Location Güssing
Energy Region of Tomorrow Built on Bioenergy
Since the 1990s Güssing has evolved into a trend-setting energy region through a comprehensive energy-efficiency programme (thermal insulation, use of LEDs) and the broad implementation of renewable ..... Read full article

G-volution I und II
Efficient Use of Biogenic Residual Materials
The DUAL FLUID technology, first used in Güssing (Austria), is already being used on an industrial scale in several places today to convert homogenous, uncontaminated wood chips ..... Read full article
Interview with Hermann Hofbauer, Institute for Chemical Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
on Austrian research and development in the field of bioenergy
What potential do you see for bioenergy with regard to our future energy supplies?Bioenergy is stored solar energy which can be used at any time, independently of ..... Read full article
BioH2 4Refineries
Hydrogen from Biomass for Industry
Hydrogen could become an important energy source in future if suitable low-cost processes for producing it from renewable raw materials are developed. Today gaseous hydrogen is part ..... Read full article

BioCRACK Pilot Plant
Producing 2nd-Generation Biofuels
EU directives require that the share of renewable energy in the fuel sector be increased to 10% by 2020. This target is not achievable with established biofuels, ..... Read full article

“Roasted” Biomass with High Energy Value
With scientific support from the Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology (ofi), an Austrian consortium consisting of ANDRITZ, Polytechnik Feuerungsanlagen GmbH and Wild & Partner is ..... Read full article
IEA Research Cooperation
The International Energy Agency (IEA) was founded in 1974 as an autonomous OECD organisation with headquarters in Paris. The IEA currently has 28 members; Austria is one ..... Read full article
for issue 1/2012
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