Sustainable Lighting
Research & development for new technologies and products from Austria
Today the lighting sector accounts for roughly 19 % of world electricity consumption, which corresponds to around 1,890 Mt of CO2 emitted per year. Intelligent overall strategies, ..... Read full article

New technologies
for energy-efficient lighting systems
The lighting sector is currently undergoing massive change. Around the world research institutes and commercial firms are working on developing new technologies and products for sustainable, energy-saving ..... Read full article
Paul Hartmann, JOANNEUM RESEARCH ForschungsgmbH
on the development of LED technology
Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren Paul Hartmann, JOANNEUM RESEARCH ForschungsgmbH In the long term LEDs ..... Read full article
LED technology
How it works and what it can lead to
Whereas in conventional lamps light is emitted by a filament or a gas, LEDs are tiny electronic chips made from special-purpose semiconductor material. If electricity flows through ..... Read full article

Future LED Bulb
Energy-saving replacement for filament bulbs, aimed at the mass market
2007 Infineon Technologies Austria AG launched an ambitious R&D program in collaboration with ZumtobelLighting GmbH and Tridonic Jennersdorf GmbH, aiming to develop new energy-efficient LED lamps to ..... Read full article

LED Office
Dynamic LED lighting for better workplaces
A large number of studies have demonstrated that workplace lighting has a considerable influence on people‘s productivity and well-being. The Austrian lighting specialists Zumtobel Lighting GmbH and ..... Read full article

Advanced LED Modules and Light-Engines for Professional Lighting
The aim of this R&D project was to develop pioneering technologies for LED lighting systems on the basis of completely new PCB (Printed Circuit Board) engineering, so ..... Read full article

Intelligent management system for energy-saving street lighting
Lighting roads and car parks consumes a great deal of electricity. This can be reduced significantly with the aid of modern LED lighting. Current developments in the ..... Read full article

Organic LEDs
Research for greater efficiency and light output
An organic light-emitting diode (OLED) contains a thin-film electroluminescent component (of organic semiconducting material). OLEDs combine the electrical properties of classical semiconductors with the mechanical properties of ..... Read full article
for isue 4/2014
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