Storage technologies
for a sustainable energy system
As the share of fluctuating, decentral supplies of energy such as wind and solar power increases, major new challenges to our energy system present themselves. Pioneering technologies ..... Read full article

Energy storage
Key technologies for the energy policy turnaround
Climate change, and the fact that we shall run out of fossil sources of energy, make it necessary to rethink our energy supply systems completely. It will ..... Read full article

Large-scale hydraulic storage facility to store electricity locally
At Innsbruck University a pioneering system to store electricity locally is currently being developed and demonstrated in the hydraulic engineering field. The Powertower is a hydraulic energy ..... Read full article

Flagship project Tes4seT
New thermal energy storage devices for buildings, industry and transport
Innovative technologies to store thermal energy over the short and long term are essential for energy security and for making energy conversion, energy distribution and end use ..... Read full article

SEES & ScAcaes
Neue Technologien zur Druckluftspeicherung
One promising technology for storing electricity is adiabatic compressed-air energy storage, which can be used to supplement pumped-storage facilities on an industrial scale; it achieves up to ..... Read full article

On-site consumption cluster
Increasing on-site consumption by means of building clusters and active storage
If more of energy generated from renewables were consumed on-site, problems due to fluctuating rates of feed in to the grid (such as voltage ups and downs, ..... Read full article
Feasibility study S-chameleonStore
Control platform for multifunctional battery storage systems
The spread of battery storage systems is inhibited by the substantial investment required. Beside of the hardware, configuring a customized storage system is one of the largest ..... Read full article
Expert Interview
Barbara Schmidt - Oesterreichs Energie
Storage technologies in the energy system of the future What changes will our energy systems undergo in future? Will we be able to make more use of ..... Read full article
to Issue 4/2015
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