Bridging technologies on the way to a climate neutral future
New strategies for capturing and utilizing carbon dioxide
Around the world climate policy strategies are aimed at bringing global warming to a standstill. Alongside measures to conserve energy, increase energy efficiency and switching to renewable ..... Read full article

Subject of international research
Capturing and utilizing carbon dioxide efficiently
The bulk of global warming is attributable to the rising concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere caused by mankind. Here the carbon dioxide formed when fossil ..... Read full article

New separation process to capture carbon dioxide from exhaust gases
Carbon dioxide is not only a greenhouse gas, but also an input employed in various industrial sectors, such as the food industry or agribusiness. To be able ..... Read full article

Plastic from bioreactors
A new way of utilizing carbon dioxide is to recycle it by way of biotechnological processes, in which carbon dioxide from off-gas is introduced into a plant ..... Read full article

Obtaining liquid and gaseous sources of energy from hydrogen and carbon dioxide
“Hydrofinery” is a project in which researchers at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences’ Institute of Environmental Biotechnology in Vienna are investigating how to utilize ..... Read full article

Producing natural gas renewably
A new research project by RAG (Rohöl-Aufsuchungs Aktiengesellschaft) builds on the successful energy research flagship project “Underground.SUN.Storage”, which was concerned with storing wind and solar energy in ..... Read full article

Expert Interview
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hermann Hofbauer TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Biological Engineering
At TU Wien you are developing new, efficient processes to seperate carbon dioxide. Do these count as bridging technologies on the way to a future low in ..... Read full article
on issue 4/2017
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