Smart grid innovations from Austria
New components and storage facilities for tomorrow‘s energy supply system
As our society moves on from fossil to renewable sources of energy, the classical supply structures will be transformed. Alongside a large number of local providers (photovoltaic, ..... Read full article

Innovations for sustainable energy supply systems
National and international activities
The energy transition will involve major changes to energy infrastructure. As renewable sources of energy are increasingly integrated into the system, energy consumers are coming to play ..... Read full article

Smart components for active distribution networks in industry and small-scale manufacturing
To integrate renewable sources of energy into our power grids, we need smart, flexible components for efficient network management. In the iniGrid project (Integration of innovative Distribution ..... Read full article

Integrating local storage systems and variable loading into low-voltage networks
With renewables‘ share of power generation steadily increasing, major challenges result, affecting not only high-voltage and medium-voltage networks but also low-voltage networks. This is due to the ..... Read full article

Network services by means of local storage systems
The FACDS (Flexible AC Distribution Systems) research project, headed by Wiener Netze GmbH, is investigating how network storage systems can be utilized to improve distribution networks. For ..... Read full article

AIT SmartEST Labor
Technical infrastructure for smart power systems
Implementing smart grids necessarily brings up the question of how new components and control strategies will affect the networks. Safety considerations preclude testing different scenarios in actual ..... Read full article
Wolfgang Hribernik, Head of Competence Unit Electric Energy Systems, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren DI Dr. Wolfgang Hribernik, Head of Competence Unit Electric Energy ..... Read full article
on issue 2/2018
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