Aktuelle Ausgabe

Expert Interview
Susanne Formanek and Vera Enzi - Innovation laboratory GRÜNSTATTGRAU

You are both experts on green infrastructure and nature based solutions. Are pioneering approaches to greening suitable for widespread use in new buildings and renovation projects?Yes indeed, ..... Read full article
Biotope City Architects: RLP Rüdiger Lainer & Partner Rendering: schreinerkastler

Innovations for cool urban oases
Smart ideas for green infrastructure and against urban overheating

Given their consumption of energy and other resources and their considerable emission of pollutants, cities contribute significantly to climate change. At the same time they are the ..... Read full article
Green roof / urban gardening, Sargfabrik, Vienna, photo: GRÜNSTATTGRAU

Greening buildings and laying out open spaces in cities
for climate adaptation and improved quality of life

In future more and more people will inhabit urban areas around the world. Whereas roughly half of the world‘s population lived in cities in 2005, the current ..... Read full article

The innovation laboratory for green cities of tomorrow

GRÜNSTATTGRAU is the Austrian coordinator for public and private-sector greening on buildings, linking more than 300 partners from business, science and administration together. The Austrian Association for Greening ..... Read full article
Biotope City Architecture: RLP Rüdiger Lainer & Partner, Rendering: schreinerkastler

Biotope City
The city as nature

On a 5.4 ha industrial site previously used by Coca-Cola in Vienna (Favoriten) a new green neighbourhood is taking shape, with roughly a thousand flats, retail outlets ..... Read full article
photo: STADTOASE – on the way to Smart Pölten

Urban Green and Open Space Design in “Smart Pölten”

The civic participation project STADTOASE, part of the “Smart Pölten” initiative, was launched by St. Pölten’s town council in 2017, with the aim of developing intelligent approaches ..... Read full article
Vertical farm planned in Innsbruck, source: vertical farm institute

Vertical Farming
Sustainable food production in urban areas

How will the cities of the future be supplied with fresh, high-quality food in a sustainable way? It takes about 2,300 m2 of cropland to feed one ..... Read full article
photo: Mira Kirchner, MK Landschaftsarchitektur

Cool spots in densely built-over urban neighbourhoods

When the city really overheats, what can help to cool down? In the project Urban Cool Down ways to help citydwellers suffering from heat and new ideas ..... Read full article

on issue 3/2018

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