Cooling Cities
Innovative solutions for liveable urban areas
Cities are particularly severely affected by the consequences of climate change. In Austria, numerous innovative solutions for dealing with urban overheating and for climate-resilient urban development are ..... Read full article
Strategies, tools and Living Labs for cooling cities
Proceeding urbanisation plays a major role in regional and global warming. New concepts, technologies and planning tools are required for sustainable, climate-sensitive urban development. Climate change and the microclimate ..... Read full article
Green and resilient city
Control and planning instruments for climate-sensitive urban development
Many studies have already shown that properly considered building structures, together with green and blue urban infrastructure, can make a significant contribution to reducing the urban heat ..... Read full article
Potentials of activities to reduce the urban heat island
The KELVIN project, led by the Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH*, analysed various concepts for the reduction of urban heat islands. One of the central questions concerned the effect ..... Read full article
Greening 50 Houses
Low-tech green facade systems undergoing testing
Greened facades have a positive impact on the microclimate in the city. On hot summer days, they provide cooling, improve the air quality and contribute to the ..... Read full article
Living Lab für „grüne“ und „blaue“ Infrastrukturmaßnahmen in der Smart City Wien
In the project LiLa4Green, a research team led by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology*, working together with city residents, is developing concepts and solutions for counteracting ..... Read full article
Cool Leibnitz
Smart and resilient urban development
Leibnitz in Styria, a district capital with 12,374 inhabitants (as at 1 January 2019), is one of the few growing small towns in Austria. Without corresponding countermeasures, ..... Read full article
Tröpferlbad 2.0
“Coolspots” as cool urban oases
How is it possible to plan, develop and implement “cool retreats” in the heart of the city? This is currently being investigated and tested by Green4Cities GmbH ..... Read full article
zur Ausgabe 2/2019
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