Aktuelle Ausgabe

Sampling for a wet-chemical gas analysis, photo: BEST / Lagler

Bioenergy in the energy system of the future
Energy supply based on renewable resources

Austria is a pioneer in renewable energy as well as in renewable raw materials, and has extensive expertise in the area of bioenergy technologies. Research, technological development ..... Read full article
Photo: BEST / Lagler

Bioenergy: Technology of the future
R&D in the efficient use of renewable resources

Achieving the national climate goals and the transition to a decarbonised economy require increased utilisation of renewable energy sources, expanded infrastructure and improved storage capabilities, as well ..... Read full article
Fluidised bed test system for chemical looping combustion and biomass gasification, photo: TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Institute of Chemical Process Engineering and Energy Technology

New processes for thermal utilisation of biomass

In the ERA-NET project OxyCar-FBC1, an Austrian-Swedish consortium of research institutions and industry players is developing two new processes for efficient and climate-friendly generation of energy from ..... Read full article

Electricity, heating, and cooling from biomass

One well-established technology for the generation of electricity and heat from biogenic resources is combined heat and power (CHP) in bioenergy plants. However, the coupling of biomass ..... Read full article
Bio-trickling filter and CSTR (Continuous stirred-tank reactor) at small scale, photo: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Biotechnology

Enzymatic CO2 separation and production of biomethane

Microbiological methanation is a method for producing methane with the help of highly specialised microorganisms. The required archaea1 can be obtained from the fermentation of biogas plants. ..... Read full article
Combustion chamber test bench for gas turbines, photo: OPRA Turbines B.V.

New technology for the production of high-quality bio-oil

The ERA-NET project EnCat is dedicated to the development of a new concept for producing high-quality pyrolysis oil from biomass at high yield. The Austrian company BIOS ..... Read full article

Dina Bacovsky

You have just conducted a study on the bioenergy situation in Austria. How has the bioenergy industry developed in recent years?Bioenergy is a great success in Austria. ..... Read full article

to issue 4/2019

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