Aktuelle Ausgabe

Photo: stock.adobe.com

International research cooperation
for a clean, safe and affordable energy supply

For the past 45 years, numerous countries around the world have been collaborating on energy research under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency (IEA). Set up ..... Read full article
Photo: Climate and Energy Fund/Hans Ringhofer

Austria´s participation as an active member
in the IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes

As part of the Mapping of IEA TCPs project, 185 IEA projects have been assessed and analysed in terms of methodological and subject-specific priority areas on behalf ..... Read full article
Photo: stock.adobe.com

More women in the energy sector

The transition to a clean energy future can only succeed if diverse talent and potential are harnessed to develop and implement new ideas and innovative solutions for ..... Read full article
Photo: Andrei Merkulov/stock.adobe.com

Heat pumps
Efficient power supply technology

Heat pumps are a versatile, renewable energy technology that allows the heat from the air, water and soil as well as industrial waste heat to be harnessed. ..... Read full article
Photo: AT&S

Digitalisation in industry
for energy-efficient, low-carbon processes

Across the world, the industrial sector consumes a great deal of energy and emits a lot of greenhouse gases. Austrian industry is no exception, accounting for some ..... Read full article
Photo: fotolia.de

Storage technologies for the energy system of the future

Electrical and thermal storage systems are key technologies for an energy system based on renewable, fluctuating sources such as wind and solar power. They allow both short-term ..... Read full article
Photo: fotolia.de

Flexible heating networks

District heating systems are well suited to incorporating renewable energy and utilising waste heat. They facilitate coupling with other energy sectors and energy infrastructures and can become ..... Read full article
Kapfenberg’s plus-energy rehabilitation, photo: AEE INTEC/Armin Knotzer

Energy flexibility in buildings

In the future, the high percentage of renewable energy sources used to feed into power grids and heating networks will bring about a transition from energy produced purely ..... Read full article
Expo2017 Sphere, photo: ertex solar/Dieter Moor

Solar power in the energy system of the future

Alongside hydropower, wind power and bioenergy, photovoltaics will play a key role in an energy scenario based on renewable energy sources. Assuming that, in the long term, ..... Read full article

to issue 2/2020

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