Aktuelle Ausgabe

HYFOR® pilot plant – hydrogen-based technology for iron- and steelmaking; see page 6 Photo: primetals.com

Climate-neutral industry
Paths towards clean, competitive manufacturing

Industry, particularly its energy-intensive sectors, accounts for a large part of the energy consumed and greenhouse gases emitted worldwide. Completely new technologies and processes will need to ..... Read full article
Photo: stock.adobe.com

Climate-neutral manufacturing
Strategies for transforming industry

The Austrian and European targets of achieving climate neutrality by 2040 and 2050, respectively, will require a drastic cut in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in ..... Read full article

Mission Innovation Net-Zero Industries

Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative founded by countries that are leaders in energy technologies1 on the occasion of the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in ..... Read full article
Discharge line to the product cooler, photo: primetals.com

Hydrogen-based technology for iron- and steelmaking

Most of the world’s iron and steel is produced in blast furnaces. This process consumes a very large amount of energy and generates significant CO2 emissions due ..... Read full article
Photo: stock-adobe.com

Future scenarios
for decarbonising Austria’s industry

The innovative network NEFI – New Energy for Industry1 brings together technology providers, industry representatives, scientists, politicians and members of the public with the aim of showing ..... Read full article

Agnes Zauner, CEO of Global 2000

„Industry is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in Austria. So it’s vital that all medium to large companies take action to reduce their high level of ..... Read full article

IEA Industrial Energy Technologies and Systems (IETS TCP)

The International Energy Agency’s IETS technology programme is all about industrial energy technologies and systems, focusing on research and technology development for more efficient energy use in ..... Read full article
Test facility for fluidised-bed methanation, photo: TU Wien

Gases from biogenic residues and waste materials for industry

The ReGas4Industry project1 investigated a method for generating high-quality synthetic secondary energy carriers (such as synthetic natural gas) from biogenic residues and waste materials. These synthetic gases ..... Read full article
Photo: AT&S

Digital Energy Twin
Optimising industrial energy systems

To enable the efficient and sustainable energy supply of industrial manufacturing, both the demand of individual processes and the availability of thermal and electric energy must be ..... Read full article
Image: iStock/Irina Strelnikova

Operation optimisation for industrial energy systems

Industry is one of the biggest energy consumers in Austria, but there are various ways to optimise the operation of its facilities and systems. One is demand-side ..... Read full article
Tests were carried out as part of the project in the laboratory at the AIT Center for Energy; left: using XAMControl to visualise the EDCS test setup, photo: Climate and Energy Fund/Krobath

Concept for the future: decarbonising industrial energy supply

Taking the food industry as an example, an innovative concept for decarbonising industrial energy supply systems has been developed and tested as part of the EDCSproof1 NEFI ..... Read full article

on issue 2/2022

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