Aktuelle Ausgabe

St. Pölten, photo: Medienservice, Arman Kalteis

Pioneering Austrian cities
leading the way to climate neutrality

Cities have a key role to play in tackling the climate crisis, because they are responsible for around three quarters of global carbon emissions and energy consumption. ..... Read full article
Photo: City of Klagenfurt press office/Helge Bauer

Mission ″Climate-neutral City″
Getting Austria’s towns and cities fit for the future

In this issue, we present examples of some of the activities being done by Austrian towns and cities as they lead the way towards climate neutrality. Reports ..... Read full article
City of Klagenfurt press office/Horst

Leading the way to climate neutrality

Klagenfurt began gearing itself up for sustainable, climate-resilient development as long ago as 2017 with its “Smart City Climate Strategy”. It is the only city in Austria ..... Read full article
Photo: TVB/Helga Andreatta

Alpine, urban and climate-neutral

In the Alps, the impact of climate change is being felt in numerous ways, including melting glaciers and extreme weather events bringing heavy rain and mudslides. The ..... Read full article
Photo: Medienservice/Arman Kalteis

A city on the move

St. Pölten, the capital of Lower Austria, the largest province in the country by area, is undergoing a dynamic process of change. The city has become particularly ..... Read full article
Icon Image "Climate-neutral City"

Roadmaps for climate neutrality, measures and solutions
in 38 pioneering towns and cities

A number of small and medium-sized Austrian towns and cities (with 10,000–50,000 inhabitants) have set themselves the objective of becoming climate neutral as quickly as possible and ..... Read full article

to issue 4/2024

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